With the ThisFishTM online traceability system, you can now trace the path of your Keshken product from the fishing boat to your plate. You just have to enter the alphanumeric code on the ThisFish label, and there you have it!

You will also access a wealth of information on the food you have in your hands: the fishing zone it comes from, the date of capture, the fishing technique used, the processing steps, its path along the cold chain and even recipe ideas!

ThisFish meets our desire for transparency. We want every consumer to be able to verify the authenticity of a Keshken product and its compliance with the requirements. For each of our foods, we provide a range of information on the Indigenous community or communities involved in any of the steps in its commercialization. You can also benefit from sound advice to help you identify foods that do not meet Keshken quality and sanitary criteria.

Using ThisFish is as simple as can be. Test it now!

To test the system, enter the code A116001.