In bringing Keshken fish and seafood to market, we have set strict requirements for the authenticity, quality and traceability of products. We thereby ensure that all fishery activities are in harmony with the environment and contribute to the well-being of the Indigenous communities involved in the project.
The people running the Keshken project keep a close watch on the member companies to guarantee application of the standards outlined in the Keshken requirements . Eligibility criteria evolve constantly as we seek to maintain ever higher standards, especially in quality and safety.
Keshken guarantees the authenticity of the Canadian Aboriginal products it provides to consumers. Each of the foods we offer involves the work of a First Nations member company in at least two of the three commercialization stages, namely fishing, processing and marketing.
All companies adhering to the Keshken brand belong to:
- a Canadian Indigenous community; or
- a group of Canadian Indigenous communities; or
- members of one or more Canadian Indigenous communities.
By offering Indigenous companies the means they need to stand out from the competition and to penetrate national and international markets, the Keshken brand helps increase the collective wealth and enhance the quality of life of the communities involved. In Canadian Indigenous culture, a fishing licence is granted not to an individual but to an entire community whose members benefit equally from the positive spinoffs generated by commercial activities.
In addition, each company using the Keshken brand fully assumes its social responsibility toward its community, particularly with respect to job access, economic benefits and promotion of First Nations cultural identity.
In short, if you purchase a Keshken product, you are encouraging a Canadian Indigenous community!
Keshken guarantees the freshness, safety and taste quality of its products. To this end, we have developed strict rules to ensure total compliance with the cold chain, meaning all efforts aimed at maintaining fish and seafood at an optimal temperature, from capture to marketplace.
Member companies keep a register of their activities to verify their compliance with Keshken requirements. We also conduct a regular inspection of their registers and their facilities. In case the cold chain is broken accidentally, we undertake to remove product batches from the market immediately if they fail to meet Keshken quality standards.
Transparency is one of Keshken’s fundamental values. This is why we have partnered with Ecotrust Canada to benefit from the ThisFishTM traceability system. With this valuable control tool, you merely have to enter the code on the label of your product to trace its path from the fishing boat to your plate.
ThisFish gives consumers the opportunity to view a wealth of information online regarding their fish or seafood: you can now verify the authenticity of your Aboriginal product and its compliance with Keshken requirements. The system also lets you contact the fishing boat captain by e-mail to ask questions, offer comments or simply share your taste experience.
To be sure of our products’ compliance with Keshken requirements, we have established a documentary and visual control systems binding Keshken member companies. Self-regulation consists of keeping registers in which details of activities are entered and their compliance with requirements is verified. The application of corrective measures is also part of the companies’ responsibilities.